Thoughts on Ephesians 5:22-33

Ah, the Love and Respect chapter. We’ve come to this.

I have been referring to this passage a couple of times since the start of the year, but a different point of view caught my attention today. The part after “as Christ loves the church and gave Himself up for her”.

Usually I would stop there, emphasizing the extent of love I should have for my wife. That if I am willing to give my life for her, then all the other – smaller – things, things that do not cost me my life, should be very easy.

But the part after that verse is equally important because it gives the “why”. The purpose of my giving up of myself, is for my wife to be sanctified, that she will be made holy.

And so the bar is raised. We are not just talking about providing, listening, cherishing, doing the dishes or taking out the trash. We are talking about the giving up of my SELF, so that I can help my wife in her spiritual growth.

These past weeks I have made adjustments to my lifestyle and put effort for my own spiritual growth. Which is very important. Today God is saying, it’s time to make some new adjustments and effort for the spiritual growth of my family.

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