Bible Reading 20130624

2 Corinthians 6

  • I know you’re tired (speaking to myself), but how important is it for you to be the spiritual leader of your family? It should mean the world to you. It should mean that you will give it all. It should affect your decisions, even the seemingly small ones.
  • Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.. applies to marriage, but it applies to business as well.

Bible Reading 20130620

Isaiah 9

  • What we experienced in the past (especially pain as a consequence of disobedience, bad decisions) is already finished, as we repent and live in the light. It is different now. Darkness is now Light, Joy is increasing, burdens and oppressions are broken, Enemies are defeated.
  • Why? Because of Jesus!

Bible Reading 20130614

We are abundantly blessed!

In Jesus we have peace,
we have joy,
we have strength,
we have peace,
we have rest,
we have freedom,
we have power,
we have hope,
we have knowledge and wisdom,
we have mercy and grace!
we have love!

In Jesus we have a Friend, we have a Counselor, our Comforter, our Healer, Provider of our every need. We have a Savior, we have a Mediator and Intercessor, we have a Teacher, we have a Defender, our Good and Mighty King!

Bible Reading 20130613

Leviticus 10

  • Again, the seriousness of God’s holiness is lost in this generation, myself included. We long to be in God’s presence, but we forget what that really means. Jesus’ sacrifice has made it easy for us, but the seriousness remains. To be before the Holy, Almighty God, to be able to have fellowship with Him, is a great and awesome privilege. Remember this.

Bible Reading 20130612

Psalms 103

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!”(Psalms 103:1 ESV)

There are many pressures, decisions to be made, possible paths I can take. It’s overwhelming. So we ask God to continually guide us to follow His good and perfect plan.

God reminded me today what I, my soul, really enjoys doing – that is to praise Him and to encourage people to worship Him.

Psalms 103 is beautiful, I think I may have found a favorite chapter!