Bible Reading 20130326

Leviticus 3

  • Should not eat blood nor fat.. I don’t understand. I understand that we, now, through Jesus are no longer bound to the Old Testament Law.. that we should operate on a higher level – love. That the heart and motivation should be right.. what now though? Is there a symbolic meaning to this? Should we still take this literally? Perhaps maybe a health related reason? Or is it all a test – a test of obedience and trust?

Bible Reading 20130325

Psalms 107

  • Read from the wrong date by mistake.. then again.. there must be no ‘accidents’ when it comes to time with God and His Word.
  • I was reminded that God has redeemed me, and is still
    continuing to do so. I’m not always in the right track, which makes me hesitate many times in sharing about God. That mindset is wrong, all the more I should share God’s love. Because God loves in spite of our weaknesses, He is mighty to save us from trouble, He leads us to joy and peace.
