Thoughts on 2 Thessalonians 1

It’s humbling to realize how convenient my life is…

I have never known the persecutions and afflictions experienced by the Church, both past and present. Amazingly, even with a seeming disadvantage, these Christians have an abundantly growing faith and increasing love for one another, the kind that people can boast about. I don’t think the same can be said about me.

Faith is merely intention until it has been proven – real faith is faith that is tested.

Please pray this for me…

To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. (‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭11-12‬ ESV)

Thoughts on Isaiah 62

What does Zion / Jerusalem represent (for me)? It represents the Kingdom of God, the people of God, the person of God. Those who by grace He has chosen and redeemed to be His. Those who are to proclaim the good news of this amazing grace, and charged to be instruments of justice.

At this point, Isaiah has already seen a lot. From being in God’s presence, to seeing pain and suffering caused by sin, to seeing the glory of God’s strong redeeming hand. There’s no turning back from such visions. “I will not keep silent, I will not be quiet.”

Maybe the problem is because we, I, do not see. Or cannot see? Refuse to see? Otherwise I would likewise be – not silent, not quiet.

There will be great days for you Zion. As for me, give me vision Lord…

Thoughts on Isaiah 61

Verse 1 was quoted by Jesus during his ministry. This was His calling. I remember when I first read this verse, more than 10 years ago, how it spoke powerfully to me. I felt that this was my calling as well. I know right? I was so young. Eventually I began to feel that, no, this verse was not meant for me. Rereading it again, brought back the same questions.

Isaiah was speaking, so he believed that he was referring to himself. But it was the Holy Spirit who guided him to write it, so technically, this is Jesus speaking as well. Could this be our calling as well? Is the Spirit of the Lord upon us? Are we anointed to bring good news, bind up the broken, proclaim liberty? I think you know the answer to this one..

God has great things in store for His people. He will bring justice, and more. Two, Three, A hundred fold.

You can be a part of this.

Thoughts on Numbers 25

Such a heavy story for an early morning. I’ll try to break it down.

In the previous chapters we witnessed God’s unwavering love for the Israelites. No matter how much Balak tried, God would not let Balaam curse Israel. We saw Balaam’s transformation as well.

Next chapter we see the Israelites… turning away from God. They were tempted, they gave in, got hooked, then forgot about God. The God who freed them from slavery, who provided for them in the dessert, who promised a plentiful and abundant land, who showed great wonders, who gave them great victories.

We are so helpless.

Second half of this chapter, is probably what people would notice and remember. Phinehas, with great zeal, thrusted a spear through a Moabite woman and an Israelite man – and he was commended for it. How violent! By itself it sounds over the top, but we have to look at the big picture, the series of events leading to this.

I still am not able to fully comprehend the seriousness of God when it comes to the things that matter to Him. Or maybe I’m in denial, because once I understand and accept the it, it will require a great commitment on my part.

But it’s there. I feel it. God is working in me, knowing full well my (current) limits. Lord, work in me as you see fit.

Thoughts on Psalm 140

There are evil men in the world.

I’m the type to brush these thoughts as soon as they come, maybe because I usually try to avoid conflict, or maybe because I believe that people are generally good. Or maybe because I haven’t really encountered a truly evil man, or maybe I have and I’m just turning a blind eye…

Whatever the case, they exist. They attack on different fronts – physically, emotionally, spiritually. They use different methods – directly or stealthily. We can do what we can to protect ourselves – defensively or even through a preemptive attack – but true deliverance, true protection, true peace can only be found in God.

It seems like a recurring theme. The great commandment is to love God and to love others. But men – we – tend do the opposite.

You may have not experienced this evil in your life, but there are those who have, and those who still do. As you have just learned yesterday, You… You are God’s light in this dark world. Let that thought sink in.

It’s sinking in – and it is overwhelming.

Just remember, it is not you that saves – it is God. And He is able, and He will.