Thoughts on Psalm 135

Praise (preɪz)
— n
1. the act of expressing commendation, admiration, etc
2. the extolling of a deity or the rendering of homage and gratitude to a deity
3. the condition of being commended, admired, etc
4. archaic the reason for praise
5. sing someone’s praises to commend someone highly
— vb
6. to express commendation, admiration, etc, for
7. to proclaim or describe the glorious attributes of (a deity) with homage and thanksgiving

[C13: from Old French preisier, from Late Latin pretiāre to esteem highly, from Latin pretium prize; compare prize ², precious ]

praise. Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. (accessed: July 10, 2014).

It is not enough to just say/sing “Praise the Lord”. It has to follow, or be followed up with the “Why”.

And there are many many reasons why!

Thoughts on 1 Thessalonians 2

The level of boldness and urgency messengers have is dependent on the following :
• The authority and power of the source of the message
• The messenger’s connection to the message
• The implications of the message to others

Paul understands all three very well. He has experienced the power of God in the road to Damascus. He was given a special charge to be the apostle to the Gentiles. He understands that people can be saved and changed through Jesus.

For you remember, brothers, our labor and toil: we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, while we proclaimed to you the gospel of God. (‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬ ESV)

Working to make a living is not an excuse to not proclaiming the gospel and actively obeying the Great Commission…

I understand these things in my head… I’m not sure how much of it has reached my heart..

Thoughts on Isaiah 54

When God says He will bless you, prepare expectantly. Especially when He says, “do not hold back “. He can be extravagant when he displays his power, strength and riches. Because He can, and humanly speaking, that is what gets everyone’s attention. The God of the impossible. When He does the great and wonderful things he does, he makes it so that it cannot be attributed to luck or logic, physical laws or human effort. The barren and desolate – becomes fruitful and plentiful. The dead – is brought to life. The disgraced and hopeless sinner – is forgiven, restored and is raised to become kings and priests. His anger lasts for a moment, but his compassion, it is everlasting.

For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. (‭Isaiah‬ ‭54‬:‭10‬ ESV)

“O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted,” He is calling. Stop fighting, you can find joy and peace, comfort and security in God.

Nothing formed against you shall stand, He holds the whole world in His hands. You can trust Him.

Thoughts on Numbers 15

There is the required sacrifice, then there is the free will offering. In this chapter I learned that there are additional requirements for each sacrifice or offering.
• Everything belongs to God.
• All sin, and we intentionally / unintentionally miss God’s standard.
• He provides, abundantly.
• The Giver, not the gift.
• An act, exercise of faith.
• True happiness in God, regardless of economic status, is a testimony to the nations.

God’s commands are dead serious. We take it so lightly. People have died on what we perceive to be lesser iniquities. Don’t mock God, and don’t be a temptation that causes His people to stumble. He is holy, and to have fellowship with his children he needs them (us) to be holy. Don’t get in the way.

Thoughts on Psalm 134

The psalmist is a worship leader, he invites fellow servants to “Come, bless the Lord.” He invites them to lift up “holy hands”, as a public declaration, symbolic to their spiritual condition of being set apart. To “bless” the Lord, which we recently learned from Psalm 1 and Jesus’ sermon on the mount to mean to “be happy”. To make God happy.

What makes God happy? It is to be reunited with the people he cares so much for. To see His children with holy hands, holy hearts, living holy lives. To see that His great sacrifice on the cross was not in vain. To see his children as one.