Thoughts on 1 Thessalonians 1

remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ ESV)

“Work of faith, Labor of love, Steadfastness of hope”

Faith, hope, and love, is active. It exerts effort. It perspires, it uses up energy. It is what is remembered because it is what people see. This is what brings glory to God.

Again, this is tested – proved – through affliction, much affliction. But those chosen by God, will have power, has the Holy Spirit, and is living with full conviction.

A christian that lives this kind of testimony is amazing, but a whole church? That is a sight to behold. A church whose faith is known everywhere, and an encouragement to surrounding churches

Thoughts on Isaiah 53

Jesus – the promise, prophecy fulfilled, faithful servant, sacrifice, persevered through great suffering, the full expression of God’s love, the exalted one.

A great start for the Mid-year fast – to be reminded of the great love of God.

I can just read through this chapter again and again…

Isaiah 53:1-6 (ESV)
Isaiah 53:7-12 (ESV)

Thoughts on Numbers 14

The way you report (facts and/or opinions) can affect people greatly.

It’s not going to be easier, people of God. There are deceivers, discouragers, dividers, desolation – there be giants up ahead. But no, no, no – don’t turn back. You are the people of God. Stick to the plan, His plan, and you will see great and marvelous things.

If you know and have considered this truth, even if you are outnumbered 2 to 10, tell those who are falling away. If it is God’s message, He will back you up, and you would not want to be in the other side.

And when you have seen, and experienced, the great and marvelous things God can do – don’t take it lightly! How annoying it is for us to grumble, doubt and complain! God will forgive us when we confess and repent, but don’t push it. Don’t disqualify yourself from the rest of the adventure.

Your eyes should not be on the land of the promise, but on the God of the promise.

Thoughts on Numbers 13

It was God who commanded the Israelites to “spy out the land”. They were to check it out: what kind and how many people were there, what kind of kind of defenses do they have, is the land fertile for farming, etc. God could’ve just commanded them to just all go together, like in Jericho, so we know God has something in mind.

Their report was correct, it was objective – good, clean facts. But what comes after is the interesting part. With the same facts come different conclusions, depending on who is giving it. Perspective, or as Stephen Covey refers to in his book – Paradigm, determines how we respond to the facts. This is a valuable concept, whether in business or in personal / family life.

And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.” (Numbers 13:33 ESV)

How you see yourself, how others see you, how God sees you

Thoughts on Psalm 133

What is unity? Unity is not merely the absence of conflict, it is not merely peace nor harmony. Unity is being as one toward a specific goal or value. It is more evident, and even strengthened, through opposition – externally or internally. David describes brothers in unity as good and pleasant, like the anointing oil for Aaron when he was set apart to be high priest.

It is not enough to be in the status quo..

(And because it is World Cup Season, unity is very like a well playing football / soccer team.)