Google Japan Dev Leader Story on NHK now! RT @nhk_proff: まもなく夜10時から、グーグルの開発リーダー・及川卓也さんの回が始まります。舞台は六本木の超高層ビル。ぜひご覧下さい~
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IBM Japan Software Group’…
IBM Japan Software Group’s 2012 Focus: Big Data, Social Biz, Security 「2012年はビッグデータ、ソーシャルビジネス、セキュリティに注力 -日本IBM」#itprojp
My appetite is back @nico…
My appetite is back @nicolebaylon! Hungry at 4:30
“@nicolebaylon: broken …
“@nicolebaylon: broken hearted once again… :_( Nate is sick with stomach viral infection, vomiting nonstop yesterday”
“@nicolebaylon: woke up…
“@nicolebaylon: woke up with very high fever today, but he is such a fighter :_) eating and drinking. pls pray…”