IBM to sell low-cost server business

I read a lot of news, articles, blogs daily.. new goal is to write one or
two sentences summarizing what I read.

IBM to sell low-cost server (x86) business. Reasons could be because of slow growth and adjustment of strategy to solutions and services. Interested buyers: Lenovo, Dell, Fujitsu

富士通、米IBMのサーバー事業買収検討か 米報道

Lenovo Close to Deal for IBM’s Low-End Server Business

IBM’s low-end server business back in play; Dell, Fujitsu, Lenovo circling

Thoughts on Isaiah 27

Today was just one of those days when, after doing something, I realize or I feel that I could have handled the situation better. My words, my actions, my timing.. Only time will tell if God answers my prayer to redeem my weaknesses today with His grace.

“In that day, the Lord…”

Great to have something to look forward to!

Thoughts on Isaiah 26

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3 ESV)

How do I stay on the path of righteousness? First is acknowledging that it is impossible without the step by step guiding of the Holy Spirit. Second is related to the first, to keep my mind on God. To seek Him and His righteousness.

“My soul yearns for you in the night; my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.” (Isaiah 26:9a ESV)

Thoughts on Leviticus 21

God requires his priests to be holy – set apart from the rest of the people. They minister to a holy God for a sinful people. Because of this, they need to live under strict conditions, to be able to perform their duties. It seems too much, but it shows how difficult it is for man to be in God’s presence.

Thoughts on Psalm 115

A very (very) timely reminder today that God deserves the glory, not to us, not to me. His love is steadfast, great is His faithfulness.

Man’s idols cannot speak, cannot see, cannot hear, cannot smell, cannot feel, cannot walk. Those who make and trust in them become like them.

Our God, however, is the Living God! He CAN speak, see, hear, smell, feel, walk. Those who trust in Him become like Him as well. And He wants to bless those who trusts in Him, who fears Him.