Thoughts on Galatians 4

Redeemed by Jesus from slavery to sin, so that we may become sons and heirs of God.


But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more? (Galatians 4:9 ESV)

Thoughts on Leviticus 19 (part 2)

v9-18 These commandments are for God’s people, showing us how to live with one another. These commandments are in contrast to the way the world around them, around us, lives. Jesus summed up the commandments perfectly – to love one another. It is the core of all these commandments.

The rest becomes a mashup of different commandments. Some I understand, some confused me. God has a reason for these commands, He has our best interests at heart.

Thoughts on Leviticus 19 (part 1)

““You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.” (Leviticus 19:2b ESV)

Can’t get clearer or more straightforward than this. An important truth.

“Do no turn to idols..”

Not only referring to physical representations. Who do I turn to in joy or in suffering? Do I turn to God?

Hard work brings good results, this is true. But God can turn this around, as he has done many times, to make us realize that He is Lord and that results is a blessing from God. We can plant the seed, water and care for the plant, but it is God who makes it grow. Therefore, be generous with your blessings. Does it even count as generosity, if it does not belong to you in the first place? Be a channel of God’s blessing. That’s an awesome feeling.

Wow, I’m not even halfway! To be continued.