Thoughts on Psalm 113

Those who put their trust in Him will not be put to shame. He is more powerful than any nation or leader. He is more powerful than the laws of biology, physics. There is joy is the Lord.

Who is like the Lord? No one. No one is as powerful, no one is as holy, no one is as gracious and loving.

Thoughts on Galatians 3

“Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?” – They (we) received by hearing with faith. So why are we living as if it was by works of the law?

“Does [God], who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith?” – Faith has always been what is important to God. Obedience, like works of the law, should be done in faith, otherwise it is done in vain.

Abraham believed – it was evident in his actions – and it was credited to him as righteousness. All those who live by faith in God like Abraham did, are considered children of Abraham.

Cursed is everyone who does not abide by all the things written in the Law – therefore all of us are cursed. But Christ became the curse for us by dying on the cross and taking our place.

Thoughts on Isaiah 23

Impending doom, of a once rich and powerful people. What would you do if you receive such news?

Who has purposed this? “The LORD of hosts has purposed it” – because of their “pompous pride”. To make his point even clearer, he sends the a “people that was not”.

The weak is strong if the Lord is their strength. If God purposed it (planned it, promised it) He will do it.

Thoughts on Leviticus 18

God told the Israelites to “not do as they do where you lived” and to “not do as they do where I am bringing you”. This speaks to me because I need to be firm, serious in obeying God whatever the circumstance. The world behind me, the cross before me, no turning back.

There are things that are acceptable, normal, and sometimes celebrated, in other cultures – but not in God’s standard. It is difficult to say humanly what is right or wrong because people have different standards. That is why we need God’s standard. Which is impossibly high. Without Jesus it is impossible.

Thoughts on Psalm 112

“He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.” (Psalm 112:7 ESV)

I would like to be this kind of man.

He is described as someone who “fears the Lord” and “delights in His commands“. What does that mean? What does that look like? How do I become that?

He and his family are blessed. He lives with integrity, and acts justly, generously. He is not free from trouble nor adversaries, but he stands firm in the midst of them.