Thoughts on Psalm 111

Do I give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart? There are times, yes, I know what that’s like. But most of the time, though I am sincere, I don’t have my whole heart in it. Does God deserve my whole heart? Definitely. Great are the works of the Lord, and I will realize that more as I spend time in reading the Bible, meditation, fellowship and just experiencing God daily. The more I know about God, the more I realize His power, the more I will trust Him. This is wisdom – that we learn to trust and obey God, our good and powerful and loving Heavenly Father.

Thoughts on Isaiah 21

I think (I know) it will be interesting to study about Old Testament prophecies regarding particular places and peoples. I believe fulfilled prophecies to have come true, but it’s a different kind of encouragement to see these prophecies fulfilled in human history.

Thoughts on Leviticus 16

Sometimes we want to rush to do the obvious and natural thing. We think, “God knows and He understands”. But before we do something, even if it is the right thing, we need to take time to step back and acknowledge God. Will He ask us to do something different? Maybe, maybe not.

I think the point is that stepping back and acknowledging God opens our eyes to the bigger story. We recognize God’s hand and heart in the things in our life. We get to know about our God.

When Aaron’s sons died inside the Holy Place, did Aaron want to rush in and be with his sons? Of course. But what did God say? Wait. God knows what he wanted to do and He understands. But this is the reality: Without cleansing, sinful man cannot approach the Holy God. There needs to be a sacrifice to be cleansed, this is the way. Did Aaron obey? Yes, Aaron understood the bigger story.

When Jesus was dying on the cross.. did God want to rush in and save His Son? Of course. It is the obvious and natural thing. But this is the reality: Without cleansing, sinful man cannot approach the Holy God. God the Father and Jesus were looking at the bigger story.

Step back, even for just a moment, acknowledge God. See His hand and heart, see the bigger story.

Thoughts on Psalm 110

I believe God desires to elevate His people – those who put their complete trust, obedience and devotion on Him. Trouble and trials, and all sorts of problems will come, but I believe God wants to show the world what He can do in and through the lives of His people.

This is the psalm where King David prophesies about Jesus – the right hand of God, the warrior king, ruler and judge, High Priest forever.

Thoughts on Galatians 1

It is important for believers to gather and worship together, encourage one another, and to learn from teachers. But let us not forget that God still, and I believe, wants to speak to us directly – through the revelations of the Holy Spirit. In fact, it could be dangerous to just rely on teachers – because there are some that are not from God.