“There’s no question that I have the personality of a promoter… But underneath that personality, I have always had the soul of an operator, somebody who wants to make things work well, then better, then the best they possibly can.”

Sam Walton of Wal-Mart
from Made in America
via Built to Last

Thoughts on 2 Corinthians 12:14-21,13

People you are kind to (even love) may sometimes misinterpret or be cynical with your kindness. The reason could be because they may have had bad experiences in the past, of people who pretended to care but actually took advantage of them. Do not hold this against them. Let your actions and attitude (of patience and perseverance in love) be your proof.

Be a dispenser of grace, not judgement, just as how God is with you. Just as you help people grow in faith, help them also to be restored in times of weaknesses. Just as how God is with you. Rejoice, and aim for restoration.

Thoughts on Isaiah 17-18

Eventually, after all the disobedience, sin, struggles, trials & suffering – when we realize that we are powerless and God alone is powerful – we will look to our God, our Maker, and He will make Himself known to us.

We can labor and put so much effort in our work, yet we still cannot control the harvest. Techniques and technology are improving, but in the end, it is God who can control the outcome, according to his will. His good, perfect, and pleasing will.

The Lord is so powerful. He can raise nations, and, in a sweep of his hand, can remove them as well. Many times, my image of God is so small. God is so more powerful!

Thoughts on Psalm 108

I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. For your steadfast love is great above the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. (Psalm 108:3, 4 ESV)

What am I thankful for today?

– that God has sustained me physically in spite of the colds that I’ve had for a week, consecutive all nighters and constant client visits in weird weather. It’s amazing I’m still standing!
– that God also has sustained me emotionally and spiritually. In spite of the work pressure now, I feel joy and peace.
– that God has protected my family from catching my cold, and that they also seem to have joy in their hearts – lots of genkiness. Also that Nate has shown great progress in his learning development recently ^_^
– that God gives me wisdom, just enough so that my pride will be in check, on how to do my work as well as how to deal with the pressures and changes.
– that God is great! And that He is in control. Trusting in man is in vanity, but in God we can do valiantly! (v12-13)
– there is so much more.. thank you Lord.. thank you for your steadfast love and faithfulness..