Bible Reading 20130731

Leviticus 14:1-32

  • Two different kinds of cleansing: the physical and the spiritual. It is possible to be one and not the other.
  • After being cleansed, there is a 1 week observation period. Which is sound idea, to be sure that the person has really been cleansed. This applies for both physical and spiritual.
  • “But if he is poor and cannot afford so much.. whichever he can afford”. I love how un-legalistic this is, even in the middle of all the rules. The offering is supposed to mean something to us, and not just because we were told to do it.
  • I realize again how helpless we are in the presence of a perfect and holy God. Jesus is the great High Priest who intercedes for us.

Bible Reading 20130730

2 Corinthians 10

  • Am I walking according to the flesh? Or am I walking according to the Holy Spirit? I think I am not walking according to the Holy Spirit as much as I know I should. The battle begins in the mind – take *every* thought captive to obey Jesus.
  • Walk the talk (or in Paul’s letters’ case, the “write”).
  • If I am going to compare, compare to the standards of Christ – not comparing with other people.

For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends. (2 Corinthians 10:18 ESV)

Bible Reading 20130726

Isaiah 14

  • I fear for those who make God angry. Their end will be a terrible place.. So when I see or hear about people who oppress God’s people, after getting angry, I am filled with fear thinking about the future that awaits them unless they repent..
  • I know I should have been part of that. I too am unworthy to be in the presence of the holy God. But Jesus, because of his love, he took my place. I cannot boast on anything, because it is all by his grace and love.

Bible Reading 20130725

Isaiah 13

  • God is powerful, God is holy, and it is right that he is to be feared. Why all the violence? God will throw the question back at man. Why are we violent against God, and against fellow men? He gives us warnings, commands, forgiveness, grace and blessings – and yet we still go against him. We steal, slander, lust, covet, hate, lie.. In the end, he promised to judge all men one day, and he will keep his promise. Those who have been cleansed by accepting Jesus’ gift of salvation, have repented and lived to love God and others, they will be welcomed by God into his kingdom – where there is peace, joy and rest.