Bible Reading 20130722

Psalm 106

  • As we walk this ‘desert’ we are going through now, following God’s guidance, I pray that we remain faithful. I pray that we will keep our eyes on God. I pray that we will not grumble or complain. I pray that we will not let even little things distract us.

Bible Reading 20130717

2 Corinthians 9

  • Back to back chapters on giving. How does it feel for me/us? Is it a willing gift, or an exaction? A willing gift! It is our joy.
  • “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8 ESV) God’s grace abounds, we have all that we need at all times. So we do not worry, and we can do our best at all times.
  • I cannot stress enough the timing of this chapter to our life situation right now. Thank you Lord.. May we keep out eyes on you, and in proclaiming you throughout the nations.

Bible Reading 20130716

2 Corinthians 8

  • We are able to give because God gave first. We give first to God, then to our brothers and sisters. Give according to the desire that God had placed in your heart. Our example is Jesus – though he is rich for our sake he became poor. This is grace, this is love.

Bible Reading 20130712

Isaiah 12

  • In that day, people will be praising God for all that he has done. I will be part of that. The amount of praise I will do and the joy I will have on that day will depend on how much I let God work in my life today.

Bible Reading 20130711

Leviticus 12
Isaiah 11

  • Purification after childbirth. I… I don’t understand, and I’m not sure how to apply this..
  • Who is this ‘branch’ that has the Spirit of the Lord, who will bear fruit, who will judge not by eyes or ears but with justice, and will bring peace to all the earth – for man and animal alike? This is Jesus right? It says “in that day”, that day has not yet come.. so this is referring to when Jesus comes again (as he promised).

Lord, I just don’t have it today. Maybe I’m just tired mentally and physically because of the heat. But I thank you that you are always true and always faithful. Even if I don’t understand, and many things about you I might never understand in this life, I know and trust that you will guide me. Thank you.