Bible Reading 20130410

1 Corinthians 16

  • Verses 13 and 14 summarizes the whole letter, something like a “To Do List” or “Action Items”.
  • Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. (1 Corinthians 16:13, 14 ESV)

Work Journal 20130409

I am so in awe (and a bit overwhelmed)
with the engineering and technology that powers our mobile, instant information and interconnected world.

Also, maybe StrengthsFinder was right. I saw my strength themes in action today.


Bible Reading 20130408

Isaiah 2

  • What was true with peoples and nations centuries ago, can still
    be seen now in present times. Goes to show the heart of man is, and has always been, stubborn and proud. But just like then, God will be exalted by His people and He will humble the proud. Question is, which side am I on?

Work Journal 20130404

As much as I enjoy the rush of closing a deal, I think I’ve also finally learned to enjoy the sales process.

The best feeling? Being able to actually help my clients with their business needs – not only during the initial engagement, but seeing a project through from start to end.

It’s a very rewarding feeling. It makes all the work (and stress) worthwhile.

Work Journal 20130403

As much as possible, do not let circumstances prevent you from doing great work.

Easier said than done, but I should expect that unexpected things happen. Some days are good, some days are bad, some days good things and bad things happen alternately, and some days there’s just nothing going on.

You know it’s hard, but try to still do great work, whatever the day.