Work Journal 20130321

I was having one of those mornings.

Must be the effect of the midweek holiday. No matter how many times I tried by reminding myself of the usual purposes and motivations, and even with a good caffeine level, I couldn’t get myself ‘in the zone’.

The problem, it seems, is that purposes and motivations are good (and important) for long-term, but I need something to get me going in the short term. I could’ve set a detailed schedule or to-do list, but I settled with just one simple thought:

Do something great everyday.

That worked. Can’t go wrong with that.


Bible Reading 20130321

1 Corinthians 14

  • Prophesying (=Preaching) is a Spiritual Gift. It is not just a skill to master like public speaking or effective communication. Prophesying is given by God for the purpose of building up the Church – strength for the believer, and salvation for the unbeliever.
  • “When [believers] come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.” (1 Corinthians 14:26 ESV) and “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said.” (1 Corinthians 14:29 ESV) Great reminders for Dgroups / Small Groups.
  • Men should speak up and take responsibility in leading. Don’t be lazy, timid or fearful.

Bible Reading 20130319

Esther 9-10

  • On the day that was going to be a day of great mourning, God turned it around to be a day of great rejoicing.
  • Lots of good themes in this book: Obedience, Humility, Prayer, Restraint, Trusting God. Great book!

Bible Reading 20130228

Leviticus 2

  • I have to admit, I don’t understand the reasons behind some of these instructions. An in depth study and research should give me insight, but in itself – just like how the Israelites received it – I just have to take it as it is. Sometimes we don’t really understand God’s instructions. I believe the real ‘pleasing aroma’ is not the offering itself, but faith and love, expressed through obedience.

Work Journal 20130225

Closing a deal can be exhausting.

I need to investigate the factors involved.

Short list:
Total Deal Value (Monetary)
Project Duration and Size
Team Members Involved
Urgency (Schedule)
Project Risks
New/Current Client
Project Status for Current Clients
Disposition of Client / Decision Maker
Internal Negotiations
Availability of Data / Information
My knowledge of Technology Used
My knowledge of Business Domain