Work Journal 20130215

To be a better communicator, I need to communicate. Regularly. With people of different backgrounds and personalities. On a variety of topics and levels of importance. I need to look out for differences in styles, and similarities as well. What works, what doesn’t work, and when.

A message is not worth much, unless is it understood and prompts action.

Bible Reading 20130215

Esther 8

  • Again, Esther demonstrated “the humble request”. This is in spite of the fact that she had God’s backing, a whole nation praying for her, being a queen, and she obviously had the king’s favor shown via the death of her enemy and the exaltation of Mordecai. She didn’t get exactly what she asked for – the revoking of the previous decree – but she got something better. She had the power to make any decree she wanted, like a blank check. Her decree? The right to self defense.

Bible Reading 20130214

Leviticus 1

  • God has clear instructions for offerings – it should be the best, and should be done properly. This is a ‘pleasing aroma’ to the Lord. What do I offer to God? When I give my time, tithe, talent (which are, in the first place, all given by God..) do I give Him the best? Or do I give the ‘remains’?