Work Journal 20130213

Understand your Client’s Motivation

My proposal and presentation should reflect that I understand my client.

What they say they want, is not always what they need.

For a person I hope will introduce me to decision makers, his motivation is the quality of his introduction. Which means, the materials should be clear and precise. His reputation is at stake. It’s like asking an outside sales person to sell my product/service for me.

Manage Requests

Requests becomes distractions only when I allow them to. There is always something to do, but if I try to accommodate all of them, I end up not getting anything done.

Bible Reading 20130213

Psalms 95

  • Our God, our Lord, our Maker is great! All other things – things that I become anxious with – are so very small in comparison. And he cares for us. So don’t harden your heart, listen when He speaks.

First time at a Tech Meetup in Tokyo

Last night I spent 1,000 yen to learn the following by actual experience:

  • Being a first-timer to an event and not knowing anyone feels so awkward. This is true even for seemingly extroverted people. Although they are a minority compared to the regulars and to those who came in groups, event organizers must find a way to keep these first-timers, to allow them to open up, and in the process convert them into regulars.
  • Presenting, and presenting well, is really a skill I want to learn and develop. Someday, I will be presenting to a group like this. Someday.
  • Three presentations, which I believe had three themes: Technology and Timing, Practical and Simple Solutions, and Design Philosophy.

Bible Reading 20130204

Exodus 40
Esther 7

  • Anointing for serving God is done once, but cleansing is, and should be, done regularly.
  • There is a way, and timing, for making requests. Even requests for one’s life, and the lives of an entire nation. Learn from this.