How to keep great employees

.. or, “How to react when they try to leave.”

I look at working with employees the same way I look at building my company. If I build a great company someone is going to want to buy it. If I have great employees who work hard, do well and grow professionally, someone will eventually want to come along and “buy” them too…when that good opportunity comes along they should privately pursue and let me know how I can help (and I conclude with, “Just give me a chance to beat the offer.”).

via Why I Cheer When My Employees Leave

As an employee this sounds like a great boss/company to work for, but I’m not a business owner nor have I been a department manager, so I cannot really say what I’d do if I were in their shoes. I mean, will I really be ‘happy’ to see my best people go? (‘course not.) I understand the challenge for me is to create a working environment that attracts – and keeps! – great people, but what about loyalty?

Again, can’t say what I’d actually do when faced with this situation. But I’d like to believe that I’d be the type to strive to create a great work environment that needs no ‘clauses’ to keep great people.

Bible Reading 20130128

Esther 6
1 Corinthians 11:2-34

  • When Haman recounted the past, he ‘honored’ himself. When the King recounted the past, he honored Mordecai. Again, talking about being humble. Haman’s pride turned against him.
  • When partaking of the Lord’s Supper, what does it mean to do it in an ‘unworthy’ manner? Of course, it does mean having unconfessed sin, or not repenting. But from the context, it also means having a self-centered heart – especially towards brothers in Christ.

Bible Reading 20130124

Psalm 93
Exodus 39

  • God entrusted the building of the tabernacle, temple, etc. to Israel with Moses as the ‘Project Leader’. He was very very specific with the requirements, that’s why they were able to do it right. Kinda like Outsourcing! And when assigning a task to your team members. If you want it done right, you have to be specific with your requirements. Especially if it’s something they have not done before. And you have to speak in a language they understand. Otherwise, they will assume and guess and might not be able to produce what you had in mind.

Bible Reading 20130123

Psalm 92
Exodus 38
Esther 5
1 Corinthians 10:1-33
1 Corinthians 11:1

  • Give thanks, and sing praises to God! For great are His works, how He executes His justice and grace. Give thanks for what He has done in our lives, and as a result of those experiences, what we have come to believe by faith He will do.
  • When God blesses you and you gain favor in the eyes of men (especially leaders), remain humble. Don’t let it get to your head, don’t get cocky. Esther was offered half the kingdom if she wanted – all she asked was for the king to attend the feast she will prepare (twice!) Haman on the other hand was full of himself – recounting his riches, sons, promotions and honors. Spoiler Alert – this is not going to end well for him.
  • Take heed: temptations will come. We will be tempted time and again to go our way instead of God’s way. God will always – always – provide a way for us to escape, so endure.
  • When confronted with a spiritual issue where Christians are divided, the answer is neither easy nor clean cut. The guiding principle is this: do whatever brings glory to God. It may not be what you feel like doing, but be selfless and do it out of love for God and love for your brother in Christ.