Because my mind responds better to lists..
Final Instructions:
– respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you (v12‬)
– esteem them very highly in love because of their work (v13)
– be at peace among yourselves (v13)
– admonish the idle, (v14)
– encourage the fainthearted, (v14)
– help the weak, (v14)
– be patient with them all (v14)
– see that no one repays anyone evil for evil, (v15)
– but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone (v15)
– rejoice always, (v16)
– pray without ceasing, (v17)
– give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (v18)
– do not quench the Spirit. (v19)
– do not despise prophecies, (v20)
– but test everything; (v21)
– hold fast what is good (v21)
– abstain from every form of evil (v22)
Look through each item, and think of how you can apply that now, and how you can develop a habit of it in the future. These are good guidelines to follow.
Other thoughts:
Serving the Lord and serving the Church is a wonderful experience and a blessing in of itself. But, as we know, it is not without its share of doubts, fears, disappointments, struggles and challenges. These require physical, mental and spiritual effort. How can I show respect and esteem to those who serve? By showing them appreciation, by making their loads lighter, by constantly praying for them.
Applying Verse 14 is pointless unless you have a personal relationship and trust with who you are trying to admonish, encourage or help. You should develop relationships.