“whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know, God knows”
We get caught up in personal stories of supernatural “visions and revelations” of the Lord. As people we crave for things that are out of the ordinary, and stories like these give our faith a little push – assurance. However most of the time, the message is the same – that God is powerful and mighty, that He is love. The problem is when Christians rely on these “supernatural events” for their faith, and forget about the (seemingly) natural daily walk with God, which I believe has more power and allows for deeper roots.
“so that no one may think more of me than he sees in me or hears from me”
Do not boast. Instead, let your actions speak.
God allows weakness to keep us from boasting, and for us to continuously rely on the grace of God. When we are weak, we become strong because of His grace.