After God says through Isaiah, “Comfort, comfort my people… that her sins are forgiven”, a voice cries out, “Prepare the way for the Lord.” This was the Messiah – the Savior – that the people of God were waiting for. Since this proclamation, there were many kings and leaders, but they were all just men, none were able to display the “glory of the Lord”.
Then came Jesus. The voice Isaiah heard calling in the desert was John the Baptist preparing the people’s hearts. It is only in Jesus that complete comfort, complete forgiveness can be received. None before Him, none after Him.
Isaiah was then told to cry out that just as grass withers and flowers fade, so do people. But God’s Word will stand forever. What does that say? It says that this promise of the Messiah, as well as all of God’s promises, are true. They might not come in our lifetime, just as it was for Isaiah, but God will fulfill his promises. He has, He is, and He will.
This is great news! Go, tell it on the mountain! Share – herald – this loudly, do not fear! The great and mighty God comes – bringing with him his justice, grace, and love.