Bible Reading 20130401

1 Corinthians 15

  • The message of first importance: that Jesus died for our sins, buried and that He rose again.
  • Jesus’ resurrection is vital to our faith. Without it, our faith is in vain and we are still in our sins. Our hope would be only in this life. But! He did rise from the grave and He is alive! This is our greatest encouragement.

Bible Reading 20130326

Leviticus 3

  • Should not eat blood nor fat.. I don’t understand. I understand that we, now, through Jesus are no longer bound to the Old Testament Law.. that we should operate on a higher level – love. That the heart and motivation should be right.. what now though? Is there a symbolic meaning to this? Should we still take this literally? Perhaps maybe a health related reason? Or is it all a test – a test of obedience and trust?